Monday, July 19, 2010

Lonely Day w/o Qing F3 (JK)

After 2 days of rest,
My eyes are more tired *.*
Morning woke up feel so sleep..
was thought to take MC leave..
but think of the meeting wif boss..
aiks...cannot take leave..
wanna faster settle it..
Stay in office..eye keep wan to close..
Dunno can tahan till finish my work or not..

Watching ppl's life..
My heart and my brain asking me to have some changes to my life..
But to have a new life..
there are many things to sacrifice..
I haven't ready to make it yet..
Mayb I shud start with quitting on9 game? lolx..


  1. w/o dear is nthing hor~~~~~
    dear dear ah... life is create by us.
    if dono wat to do... u can stay till u think hao hao just move u step

  2. Haha..Dear2~Miss you!!!!!
    Nxt week ya!!
    En..I will think hao hao de..
    I felt the time past so fast..
    I have already leave my uni life nearly 1 year..
    Quite miss it ^^ Shopping~Outting~wif frens..Is a nice experience..Even go out at midnight hehe...
