Monday, August 2, 2010

31st July - 1st August

Gathering with Qing and Dear2..Plus Chou Wan Lik!

I reached KL by 2.30pm and waiting for Qing to fetch me.
After that we went to Midvalley exhibition.
Because Dear2 want to find people there.
While waiting we walk around to see the exhibition.
The super mop and knife took our attention for a time.
We went to baskin robbins stall..
So many ppl queue-ing there..bcz have discount.
We bought 2 cups aiscream..with 4 flavor..
Eat dao wan vomit le..Too sweet le..
After that went to Full house to have dinner..
Crazy la..after aiscream then dinner..soooooooo full..
But this not the end yet..
After that went to 4 seasons..winter place..
Cold!!!! Lucky I did bring jacket haha..
Chou wan lik no bring..wan rampas my jacket..I dun let haha..
Qing oso sot de..Wear short pant ><'' Brave..

-To be continue- Headache now..

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