Saturday, August 7, 2010

What is love?

The feeling was so fresh when I saw my cousins' blog,
Since when they are grow and understand the love?
It might cuz my environment affected me..
My home never have the topic about love..
All my family members care about family more than love..
Even our ages are bigger than my cousins..
But I think they even understand the love more than us.
However, I not agree with their relationship.
They are too young to love people.
They were met ppl that will never put true heart on the relationship.
See they injure in the relationship,
I have the thinking to not love any1.


  1. Hi Nini,

    You might not knowing me. But I would like to share my view on love. U seems inferior when talking abt ur inexperience in handling love matters. I've been following ur blog months ago, knwoing that you have a partner before. But of course, i have no right asking you abt tis.

    Just to let you know, don't decide to not loving anyone. Yea, can b said, most of the time, love causes hurt, as we love somebody, we tend behave in a way that even us ourself deny to be. For example, too much emotion, jealousy. Also, when we love sum1, indirectly we start to step into their life. As we know them more, much conflicts might occured.

    True Love Never Comes Smooth
    Learn to love someone, then at the end,you'll feel the utmost feeling of loving that person and in return loved by ur partner.

    Wish you the very best life in future :)


  2. Hi D,

    Thanks for following my blog. I'm glad to know that somebody is following my blog. Althougt I have no confident of my writting skill :p

    I know it is too early for me to say not loving anyone more. But I seriously no brave to love people right now. I dunno how to express my love to the person I love. Until they misunderstood me and both of us get hurt. I wish to be strong only try to love people again.

    A simple love full with trustful is my wish. ;D

  3. Hi Nini,
    It's me again.Don't look down at your language proficiency. Yea it's pretty average (e.g "although" misspelled as "althought" :P). For me, what lying on beautiful article is born from our heart. Express of feeling doesnt need to be an A class write rite

    Well, from what u've posted, I sense that you're very protective towards your own self. You fear to be hurt. You want everything to be pure & simple. Let me tell you a little theory, everyone in this earth would like their life to be simple, and hence they will told themselves to think simple instead of complicated. However in reality,life is impossible to be simple and plain. It's full of torn. But only those who gone through these hardship will know how it feel. And they will tell you that because of these "damn" things, it makes their life totally different and meaningful. U got it?

    Love is the same. It's all about chemistry between you and ur love one. You can be very rational in every aspects but not love. If you keep wanted to avoid the unhappy incidents to be happen, you are not really into love then. Love is happening when we ourselves fail to figure out how silly/crazy we are.

    Keep writing your pieces, and if needed,I certainly will posted comment on it. Just that some of the jargon (specific words) in the game you play-Maple I don't understand!


  4. Hi D,

    That's fast to see you here again. I can't describe my feeling now. I so happy to know you as a friend. (Hope you don't mind that I directly call u as my friend)

    I never look down at my language proficiency because it's a fact! I agree with the sentence express of feeling doesn't need to be an A class write. However, poor writing might cause misunderstand sometimes. Hope you will not judge me with my poor language :P

    Yes, you had got my mind. I understand about the reality but I told myself to think simple. I envy to people that have a meaningful life but I'd forgot that I can make it too. Just depends on myself want or don't want. Thanks for reminding me.

    I understand and agree with your view on life but I still don't get the meaning of love. I have read a lot and a lot of love story. About what you said always appear in the novel I read. However I still didn't get the meaning. I was thought I'm in love. Now, when I think back I don't know whether I'm was in love. I never has a crazy action or feeling except of disobey my parents's objection then start the relationship.

    Appreciated on your comments to me. Hope will see more your comments in future. If there is a chance, I will post up my maple picture and tell you what the jargon mean. Hehe..


  5. Ello Nini,

    Well, sometimes I can reply fast if I could access to internet. I'm "glad" that you're "happy" with my comments. That is the purpose I feedback on your article, want to express, and if able, to console those who needed. Is being my hobby to observe, talk & understand peoples,stranger too.

    Orite, wanna "analyze" you again. Maple is seems to play big part in your life. There is always pros and cons. But I'm not your mumbling mother, so will not asking "y" from u. You certainly receive much questions and even objections from people around you for your huge passion in playing online game.

    On your reply..Well, you neva look down at ur language proficiency is because you let it continue to be! To be good in a language, frankly, is never easy. It involve exploring not just the nature of the language itself, but also the culture, people related to those language. (I guess you not rely interested :P). In short, one word-heart!

    On main issue-love. Well, you cant learn abt it even u read through hundreds of novels. That are fairytale. True love wont b that romantic or nasty as it describe, But not against people to read it. I read as we able to think and make decision on it.I read lots of material, including some love stories la (pai seh, i don't have the habit reading chinese novels), advices la from xxx la..For me, it's for my pleasure, and wont let these kinda things to influent me. It's enough I get a laugh or smile heeh! I'm around your age, but perhaps what you gone through in your life is more colour-less, that made you less exposed to things outside world.

    Next time if you got anything that need my opinion when facing a situation can post here. No harm, I'm not somebody bad;P. Sharing makes things greater.


  6. Thinking what to write as my beginning.

    Morning D? Can't believe you reply me at the early morning 4.24am. LOL

    Well, I like your hobby because sometimes I will do it too. Of course not as good as you. As you seen, my thinking is not stable. I'm an emotional person. It's interest to observe people like "you"? xD

    Maple was a big part in my life. I met my best friends there. I felt comfortable when talking with them. We have the same topic and it's simple. I know a lot of people not agree me to play on9 game. Now I know that maple wont be my life anymore. I discover that I have got the most value things from maple which is my friend. Without them, maple won't be fun for me. So I decided to quit maple and start my life. Although I still haven't find out what I want to do in life. But I believe quit maple is a must.

    I'm interest on how to learn english well. But I know the answer too. U're right. Heart is the main factor to master english. Nothing is impossible. I will think about how to start it.

    Currently don't want to think about love yet. I believe when the person appear, I will know what to do. I kinda envy on you. I would like to make my life colourful too. But what to do?

    Haha, I will do it. Believe or not, I never doubt on you. My friends said I too easy believe on people. But I think people willing to listen to you won't be a bad people.

  7. Dear Nini,

    Im a black cat! Usually I will sleep at late, and coincidently I can access to wireless, I online and PO on your blog lo (As I knew you will reply, hence don't want to disappoint you :p)

    Next week I may not chat with you le, as I got a new job, and need off to KL for training one week.

    Quit Maple? seriosly? What makes you decide on that? Emm..but once you really decided, it takes much determination to succeed, not easy i guess. But for me, yea it's good for you to quit, even it not lasting long. Leave your virtual world, see the outside world. It's beautiful and many things you can learn with. You said you befriended your best friends in maple, actually in real life you could too, however of course it is harder as it involve frequent close interaction. Have you been really into a real life close friendship? or friendship that you find memorable before?

    Well, to make your life "colorful", u gotta know to be "naughty" lo haah! But with some limits lah, without causing big harm to people around you.


  8. Hi D,

    I really surprise with your quick reply. Meanwhile, it bring a doubt to me. What make you will come to visit my blog so frequent? I think there is an answer in my heart. I will respect you if you don't want to disclose it.

    Congratulation to you for getting a new job. Although I didn't know what your previous job and why would you like to quit it. KL is a challenge place, all the best to you.

    Maybe you curious why I said there is an answer in my heart. Actually your doubt on me to quit maple make me start to think who are you. Also the question about friendship. I believe this is a weird question if you didn't know me before. Friendship that memorable before! Why will make you think that the friendship ever not there anymore?

    Well, I hate doubt. But I respect you if you are the person. I not 100% sure that you are the person I know. If I have do a guess that make you feel uncomfortable, I apologies to you here. Anyway, I really happy to see your comments here. I don't mind you cont to hide your status.

    Hmm..Do my words show any negative emotion? Hope it don't. x)

  9. Dear Nini,

    Well, actually i went to KL just on a week, not the permanent type. On Maple, well, Im asking y is because u wrote lots of articles on it and yet u told off that u're quiting it. Paiseh for my curiosity :P

    On viewing ur blog, i usually will browse up anywhere, as Im a blogger as well. Will visit people' blogs periodically, as leave a message there, if necessary. Once I put up a message I would bookmark on my web, and visting it to c there is a reply onot. Thats y i keep to "visiting" u lo. Hope u don't mind.Yea I used to post as an anonymous, as my blog im not disclosed to others.

    Walla,u're suspecting me a spy then?! No worries, not sombody u've known before.

    On wth ur comment is negative, nope for sure. Just a little serious nia lo

    Have a nice day :)


  10. Hi D,

    Sorry to say that I cannot remember any my post about maple. Mind to remind me? Yet about the serious, I think I cannot accept lie. If you really a stranger and wanna hide your status. I understand and will respect.

    But if you are somebody I know before, I cannot accept it. I hate people lie to me. Even their objective is just want make friend with me. For me, the relationship that with lie cannot be trust. It's like we are playing word game? >.< I love gaming doesn't mean I see the relationship as a game. I serious on that xD

    Well, we don't talk about that. Since you denied that you know me before, I will believe on you. I trust my friend. Just a last remind, don't let me know that you are lie-ing to me ya :) K move to the next topic.

    I assume you are still on job in your company and will have training at KL brunch? Correct me if I'm wrong. My company sometimes will have this kind of training. That's why I make this assumption.
