Friday, June 11, 2010

Unhappy day

What happen to tis world..
Is my prob or others problem?
Why cant be peace..
I wish to escape from everything now..
Can I stay alone?
I wish to stay alone to gain the peace..
Hate emo..hate chaos..
I only hope every1 around me are happy..
why cant as my wish?
I want to give up..
If really not happy stay beside me..
then let's go bah..
why want so suffer?

Friday, June 4, 2010

A thread from Asiasoftsea Forums

Randomly read a thread which as below,

I have try to think from their situation,
I think the TS was having a desire to excel over others,
He/She will like war more than peace.
I cant communicate with this kind of people,
He/She will always attack your weaknesses.
However, he/she is teaching you a words of reality. 
In real life, there are many people like TS.
It might a great practice for T-Rex to survive in reality.
He has done a best job as a moderator,
but he has lack of experience on facing this kind of people too.
This might caused by the TS insulted him
He lost control and brought in his own feeling.
Again, I understand the reality.
After read the whole thread,
I think the Tyrae is admirable on solving problem.
He able to understand the TS problem,
and provide a satisfy answer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2nd day of June

Today was a satisfy day,
I have done part of my work,
I have leveled HeeDidi to 108,
I have touch a little bit of my book,
I have waited a novel from my favorite author.
But meanwhile, it was a tired day as well.
I have used my lunch time on work,
I have used my time for game,
I have used my eyes on searching the book and net.
Well, it is time to bed.
Good night~